Mexic-Arte Museum’s Screen It! program connects students to the Austin art community, guiding them in the development of their art skills as a tool of expression and as valuable entrepreneurial skills. Our programming serves children between ages 9 and 17, where we introduce them to the principles of screen printing and related careers in the arts.
We are proud to serve the youth in our Austin community but we also want to bring Screen It! To your classroom and to your home. Therefore we present the following five lesson plans that will serve as an introduction to the screen printing medium. You can adapt these lessons to your classroom/home.
We invite you to watch our video lessons, as they supplement our written lesson plans.
The Mexic-Arte Museum is committed to advancing digital inclusion as an effort to create accessibility by sharing all of our wonderful resources with you. We hope you enjoy the process and create many designs.

Screen It! Guide
Screen It! Video Lessons
Screen It! Lesson 1

Screen It! Lesson 2

Stencil Making
Screen It! Lesson 3

Screen It! Lesson 4

Let’s practice!
Screen It! Lesson 5