Screen It! Lessons
The Screen It! program is TEKS aligned and conducted by practicing artist educators at local schools. Want to know more about our programming? View our resources here!
Printmaking Lessons
A variety of easy, self-guided printmaking video lessons for educators or children looking to learn more about the process of screen printing. Lessons are available in English and Spanish and list the needed materials.
Screen It! Virtual Exhibition
The Mexic-Arte education team is happy to present a virtual exhibition of the work made by students of Manor ISD. During the Spring semester 2023, the students of 5th and 6th grade learned about screen printing through the creation of alebrijes, one of the most popular and relatively contemporary manifestations of Mexican Arte Popular.
Screen It! Request Form
Screen printing is an art technique often not offered in public schools due to costs and the process involved; nonetheless, the Mexic-Arte Museum Screen It! program makes it accessible to all students. Request Screen It! for your school here.
Screen It! Summer Camp
The annual summer camp at Mexic Arte, Nuestra Lucha, teaches students how to relief print, screen print, and create mixed media posters that reflect on a social justice issue of their choice.