Jun. 2, 2016 @ 12:00 am – Sep. 1, 2016 @ 11:59 pm

Standing Juntos is the second of eight murals added to Mexic-Arte Museum’s 5th Street wall. The mural comprises hundreds of post-it notes messages to Standing Rock, gathered with community members and guests over three workshops. The Standing Juntos Collective comprises Austin huesca Collective, Bodega Visual, and Change The Rules.
Explanation from Standing Juntos Collective:
In a political context, we need to stand together. Standing together from all stories, from all geographies and from all who we are. The recent resistance of our Native American brothers in North Dakota, Standing Rock, in defense of their territory and the water is an example of how we can stand together. Standing together is to sow seed of collectivity and hope. Standing together is going out to the street without fear. Standing together is respecting diversity. Standing together for a life worthy. Standing together for social justice. We do not want a wall that separates, divides, denies. The Mero Muro mural is a wall of solidarity, a colorful wall that celebrates life. The Mero Muro wall we want is a wall that has open doors and that flourishes.