May. 11, 2019 @ 12:00 pm – May. 19, 2019 @ 3:00 pm
About the Artist
Robert Jackson Harrington creates drawings and sculptural installations from everyday materials that center on the concept of potential. Recent exhibitions include With Regards to Drawing at Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, Texas and C Wut Stix, at Bill’s Junk in Houston, Texas. Currently he directs the Museum of Pocket Art and is a member of the Center for Experimental Practice and the curatorial collective, Los Outsiders, based in Austin, TX.
Artist Statement
“These are the definitions I work with. Drawing, an arrangement of marks on a surface. Painting, an arrangement of paint on a surface. Sculpture, an arrangement of objects in space. Conceptualism, an arrangement of ideas. Arrange, to move and organize (things) into a particular order or position, to give a particular order or position to the parts of (something). Mark, an impression made on something. Using these definitions, we can then arrive at this definition; Art, an arrangement of things. Using mass-produced objects and ordinary materials reconfigured into an art context, I explore themes that include the idea of an objects’ potential and the concepts of what could be versus what is.”
Changarrito cart May 11th & 19th
Artists have the opportunity to sell their art on the Changarrito cart in front of the Museum (or an offsite location, as representative for the Museum during various Austin festivals). Changarreando expands the reach of the artist by presenting their gallery online, while allowing the option to sell merch over Instagram and receive 100% of the sale.
Robert Jackson Harrington featured his artwork on the Changarrito cart outside the Museum’s entrance on May 11th and 19th, 2019.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates on original work available for purchase and behind the scenes of the artist’s work, space, and creative process.