Nov. 1, 2016 @ 11:00 am

About the Artist
Claudia Zapata founded Mapache Bear Press in 2015 to serve as a dedicatory outlet for POC (people of color) and queer artists’ creations. The current titles available for purchase include High Mija (Albuquerque), From Hell to High Water (San Diego), Muchacha Fanzine (Denton), West Texas (Austin), Yes Ma’am (Texas), Nat.Brut (Dallas), All of Them Witches (Dallas) and other limited edition zines by visual artist Suzy Gonzalez. From interviews with punk icons, street art, feminist comics, limited edition art anthologies, and landscape color photography, each paper-based nostalgic montage focuses on the unique perspective of its creator via text and image.
Claudia Zapata is pursuing her Ph.D. at SMU in the RASC/a: Rhetorics of Art, Space and Culture Program in Art History. She received her B.A. and M.A. from University of Texas in art history, specializing in Pre-Columbian and U.S. Latino/Chicano art. From 2010 to 2014 she served as the Curator of Exhibitions and Programs at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Her recent projects include the co-founding of ChingoZine, a Latino art zine and Chingolandia, a Latino designer toy line as part of her Latino art collective, Puro Chingón Collective, LLC. Zapata has curated over 30 exhibitions at the Mexic-Arte Museum and other Texas institutions on subjects such as the commercialization of the Day of the Dead holiday, Mexican dance masks, Contemporary Chicano art, lucha libre in popular culture and more. Her most recent publication acted as the main catalog essay for Margarita Cabrera’s Uprooted Dreams, a recent Austin Art in Public Places installation using Oaxacan woodcarving to discuss cultural displacement. Her research interests include curatorial methodologies of identity-based exhibitions, Texas Neo-Chicanoism, exhibition design and people of color zines and designer toys.
Changarrito cart October 1-2

Artists have the opportunity to sell their art on the Changarrito cart in front of the Museum (or an offsite location, as representative for the Museum during various Austin festivals). Changarreando expands the reach of the artist by presenting their gallery online, while allowing the option to sell merch over Instagram and receive 100% of the sale.
Claudia Zapata featured their artwork on the Changarrito cart outside the Museum’s entrance on October 1-2, 2016.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates on original work available for purchase and behind the scenes of the artist’s work, space, and creative process.