May. 1, 2024 @ 8:00 am – May. 31, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

About the Artist
Pico del Hierro-Villa is a Queer Fronterizx who recently received their master’s at the University of New Mexico in Chican@/x Studies. Being raised in El Paso, later moving to Albuquerque, NM, they found the beauty of storytelling among Queer elders and those who never had the opportunity to publicly present their stories. The mode of their art and research is based on gathering testimonios and photographing Queer and Trans Latinx folks which captures a multitude of LGBTQ+ experiences, a method they call fotografÃmonios. The purpose of their work is to not only honor the Q/T Latinx identity but to uplift Queer and Trans political struggles and provide post narratives that counter act against negative perceptions of Queer and Trans communities. Pico’s photography has been published at the University of New Mexico, Latinx academic journals, magazines, online platforms and has been displayed at contemporary art museums in Albuquerque, NM.
Artist Statement
“Influenced by Chicana Feminist theory and art, I interpret Chicana Feminists’ critical approaches into creating a visual storytelling method that is based on resistance. Chicana Feminists’ oppositional work, meant to uplift overlooked narratives and communities, led me to create their artistic method to represent stories of Queer and Trans Latinx communities in the SW through visual narratives. I believe in providing intellectually accessible information with their photographs and work that is critical to building solidarity and awareness for Queer and Trans communities of color, specifically Mexicans/Chicanxs.”
Changarrito Cart – May 11th, 12th, 18th & 19th

Artists have the opportunity to sell their art on the Changarrito cart in front of the Museum (or an offsite location, as representative for the Museum during various Austin festivals). Changarreando expands the reach of the artist by presenting their gallery online, while allowing the option to sell merch over Instagram and receive 100% of the sale.
Pico del Hierro-Villa will be at the Mexic-Arte Museum featuring their artwork on the Changarrito cart right outside the Museum’s entrance on May 11th, 12th, 18th & 19th from 12-3PM.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates on original work available for purchase and behind the scenes of the artist’s work, space, and creative process.
Changarrito Instagram Live Interview – 5/30 @5pm
You’re invited to Mexic-Arte Museum’s Changarrito Instagram Live event with artist Pico del Hierro-Villa, taking place virtually through the Museum’s Instagram account @mexic_arte! Isabel Servantez, Mexic-Arte Museum’s Curator of Exhibitions and Director Of Programs, will facilitate the virtual event with a series of questions directed at the artist including a Q&A taking place during the last 20 minutes of the event.